June 7-11

 Upcoming Dates

  • Grade 4 Health lessons begin next week
  • Grade 4 June 17 - Walk to TMC
  • June 18 - Fun Treat Day (Order by June 11)
Design Challenge
Grade 3 and 4 have been working on a design challenge to wrap up our work with building and testing. They are working in groups and given a scenario about a crisis in a community (Peru, India, Ukraine, Tunisia) that effects the quality of life of its citizens. Each scenario involves needing to get people across a body of water to access community supports. They worked together on initial research and brainstorming of options. Next they split into grade groups and were assigned a specific set of criteria for their design. Grade 3s will be designing a bridge and grade 4s will be designing a machine with gears and pulleys. 

Seed Research
We also started a research project this week around seeds. Students are working in groups to learn about a specific food product that is exported by Peru, India, Ukraine and Tunisia. Grade 4 students are focusing on finding out how these plants grow and develop and what they need to survive. Grade 3s are researching the geography of the countries to learn what regions are best suited to agriculture.

We have been exploring patterns in operations. Students have been experimenting with equations that have a missing variable. We have been practicing with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will continue with this work narrowing in on subtraction and division, and exploring strategies for solving these types of problems.

Tour Guide Project
We are wrapping up our exploration of important people, places and events in different communities. We finished creating infographics about the history of different communities and shared with the class. 
Our final project will focus on looking at landmarks. Grade 3s were assigned a landmark in one of the four countries and grade 4s were assigned a landmark in Alberta (natural or manmade). They began research this week, using guiding questions. We will be moving into a coding project to share what they learned next week.

Conservation Champions
This week we wrapped up our work with the zoo for the year. We had a Zoom party with the zoo and other classes that participated in the challenge. The zoo gave us a tour of some behind the scenes places and we got to virtually visit some of the best animals. Each student received two zoo passes, a pencil and will receive a hat next week just for participating. Make sure you go down to the zoo over the summer to check out the films from all the different schools.

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