November 9-13


"We split our visual journal page into four small boxes and we did chalk pastels, water colour pencil crayons, water colour crayons, pastel pencil crayons to make the secondary and tertiary colours." Charlie

"We had to do nine of the mixings." Evelyn

Classifying Animals (grade 3)

"We sorted the animals into reptiles, feathers, fur, and birds." Rebecca

"We got facts from a video and wrote them down." Aria

Read Aloud

"We started a new book about this island and this girl and the last bit we read, her dad was hurt." Isla

"The title of the book was Island of the Blue Dolphins."

Parts of Speech

"We learned about adjectives and how they describe nouns." Sam

"We read a book and wrote down the adjectives we heard that describe the nouns." Son

Snow Yoga

"We went in groups and we were doing the stretch and we had to come up with some moves and we are going to present them." Dorela

"To do yoga except have your muscles tense to make your heart and lungs go fast." Rebecca


"We learned about patterns and how to make them and where they could be." Owen

"We made a concept map about patterns." Son

Land Acknowledgement

"We did a and Acknowledgement and we had to answer questions, at least two questions about the land." Mason

The City

"We were basically trying to make our own little city and we came up with the name of their city. And we have groups to talk about what we are going to put into our city." Isla

"We were supposed to name and we are going to build a little city." Rebecca

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