November 23 - 27

Celebration of Learning

"We went through the Celebration of Learning at school, so we could explain the stuff to our parents." Charlie
"We showed our parents writing, math and the cities. Our parents had to do some homework." Son


"We had a virtual visit with Saa'kokoto, and he told us a story." Dorela

"In the story it was this man that was trying to look for answers for his people. And then, the lake spirit said he can have anything. He got a horse." Isla

Shadow Tag

"For the last week or so at school, we've been playing a game called shadow tag. It's kind of like freeze tag but to tag them you have to tag their shadow so it's not touching." Colton

"We can either tag the shadows with our own shadow, or the shadow on the ground. Three people are it." Mila


"We have done when you have a tens spot and you count on by fives or tens." Evelyn
"We did a chart and had to find out the next number in it by finding the pattern." Rebecca

Poetry and Art

"For art we watched a video about 3D ad 2D squares and shadows. And now we are drawing them out." Aria
"We did cross hatching. You need to draw lines and cross them." William
"We learned about poems and how they can sometimes form designs." Sam
"We did diamante poems. There poems that can be about the same thing or the opposite thing." Liam
" We were talking about the coulee in the poems." Tally


"The grade 3s had one flag and the grades 4s had two. You had to write about them and what you think and stuff. It's called annotating. After that we had to try to figure out what the flag was." Levi

"We wrote ideas about and were asking questions about our flag. When we were done we were put into groups with people that had the same flag. We had to write what we wrote on the slide show and then write where the flag was from." Quinn

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