April 12 - 16

Genius Hour Presentations

"We made posters and we shared them. We presented them to the class so they could learn from it." Aria

"We heard about the topics like space, pandas, and water." Son

"We also learned about knights, lions and Australia and hockey and snakes." Jumana


"We had these word problems and one was Ms. Cropper had 60 tulips and there was a few different colours and we had to try to find the remainder of the flowers." Evelyn

"We had a math check in and we had a problem." Charlie


"They're like numbers smaller than one. We did a Frayer model of decimals and what they mean and stuff." Levi

"On Friday we watched a video about decimals and it taught us the ones, the tenths and the hundredths. We cut out different hundreds blocks and tens blocks and glued it into our math books. Ms. Cropper gave us different questions about the decimals and we had to guess what they were by colouring the blocks." Mila

People, Events and Celebrations

"For the grade 4s, we had to research important things that were in Alberta and noted them down and wrote them on this big sheet on the barn door." Colton

"For the grade 3s we would each get one big piece of paper and write people, celebrations and important events and use the computer and books to find these and write it down for Peru." Isla

Act 1, 2, and 3

"We extended the story spine we made and made them into three different acts that told you more than the story spine did." Mason

"We had to tell the moral in the story but not actually telling them what it was." Sam

Hearing and Sound

"We have had centres 1-6 and all of them have something to do with hearing, like for one for example we had a chart that says what we've got to do and there's one where you have to bounce a ball and someone holds a sound thermometer and then it says like 80 and you have to write it down in the column that says bouncing a ball." Charlie

"The rest of the work was in our journal and two of the centres we had to use computers. We went into classroom and watched some videos and did some Jamboards." Son

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