March 8-11

Upcoming Events

  • March 11-12 - Parent Teacher Conferences (Early Dismissal Thursday, no school Friday)
  • March 15 - Crazy Hair Day
  • March 15 - Zoo Virtual Trip #1
  • March 17 - Zoo Virtual Trip #2 
Endangered Animal Research

"We researched about an endangered animal. We had to brainstorm questions for that endangered animal." Scott

"For our endangered animals, everyone is in groups and have an animal, and there's a grade four and three. One person or two people will have tech and you have to research your endangered animal and put new questions you have on cards to get the answers. Evelyn

Community Current Event Research

"We are doing research on our country or cities main problem and we are going to make a newscast about it." Charlie

Building Centres

"We had a group and we each got a centre to work on with our group. In some of the centres we have to learn how to build things like a building to see is it strongest, can it stand up to natural disasters." Makena

"You have to make a hypothesis and then you have to test it and be able to put it in your observation book." Jumana


"We had to split our page into four and then we wrote emotions that we felt in the past week." Tally

"We wrote a small little paragraph on why we were feeling that emotion." Isla

Character Writing

"We watched some Pixar videos to create a character and we made a character arc to show the obstacles and things we accomplished." Sam


"We ran lots of laps around the field and we had lots fitness around." Son

"We played soccer." Jacob

"In the gym some people recorded their dance or fitness activity and now we are practicing for STOMP into March" Dorela

"Outside we did shadow tag and wax museum." Rebecca

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