March 22 - 26

 Upcoming Dates

  • Spring Break Next Week
  • April 6 - first day back

Ecosystem Project
We finished building our ecosystems and solutions to the problem that is causing the animal to be endangered or vulnerable. Students made plans as large groups and then broke into two smaller groups to make the two related structures.

This week we filmed and edited our Newscasts for our community projects. Students used their research to help create their scripts. Our next step will be to upload or videos to the websites.

Genius Hour
We got a good start on building and making our final projects for Genius Hour. Students are creating posters, slide shows, maps, life cycles, making objects to represent their understandings.

In math this week, all students work on developing an understanding of remainders in division. We worked through some discussions and comparisons. Students worked in groups to solve some division problems with remainders, using blocks. 
Grade 4s wrapped up their work with 2 and 3 digit multiplication. We focused on using our strategies to solve one and two step problems, while explaining our reasons.

Calgary Opera
This week we had a chance to view Calgary Opera's "Hansel and Gretal". They told us the story of Hansel and Gretal with a modern spin. Ask your child about the story.

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