March 15-19

 Upcoming Events

  • March 22 - Unique Sock Day in connection with World Down Syndrome Day
  • March 26 - Last day of school before Spring Break


"We watched a newscast and then we had to write our own script and then we're going to make it into our own newscast" Rebecca

"We have our partners with different cities or countries to help make our own newscast. We're gong to take a video of each other and trying to make it relate to an actual newscast." Mila

Tuscany Together

"We made a routine for dance or fitness and then we did a vote on who's we thought we should show to the school." Jake

"We presented to the school on Google Meet. There were also other classes that presented." Jumana

STOMP work

"We created groups and made a routine" Mason

"We did this outside and got other groups to come and share their routines and we would stand up and show it to the other groups so they can remember it." Aria

Ecosystem Project

"We had to draw a habitat for our endangered animal and a machine to protect them. We started with a planning paper, then we got a big paper and we drew the machine and the ecosystem." Sam

"For our ecosystem project we would draw a picture of our animal in its ecosystem and then we would have to draw something that would make them not be endangered or vulnerable."Evelyn

Zoo Trips

"On Monday and Wednesday we had a virtual field trip around the Calgary Zoo." Scott

"We had pieces of paper for the field trip on Wednesday, she showed us biofacts and we had to guess which animal it was." Ege

"She showed us animals and then she taught us about the habitat and if they're endangered or not." Jacob

Genius Hour

"We have a couple more days left of research. We have choices how to Share, you can either do slide show, poster book and other stuff." Charlie

"We learned about a topic that we picked and we had to learn about that and we're going to create a project about it. Some people researched in groups and some didn't" Liam

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