March 1 - 5

 Upcoming Events

  • March 8 - virtual visit from Elder Saa'kokoto
  • March 11 - Early Dismissal day for parent teacher interviews
  • March 15 - Crazy Hair Day

STOMP Into March

"Mrs. Gainor took 9 kids from our class and we had these cards that you would follow and there was a drum, there was a in and out beat, and ski feet, and gorilla, and snap, and hand slide and crocodile." Evelyn

"Ms. Glowacki said to the whole school we ned to make a STOMP routine." Jake

Endangered Animals

"We each got a group and we each got an endangered animal. We had to write down as many questions as we could. We picked our top 3 questions and write them on a paper and try to answer them." Makena

"We did a Frayer model and Ms. Cropper had to put every example with a star beside it on the Frayer model and we had to pick the top five animals" Sam


"Grade 4s did the pyramids for multiplication. We did it up to the 6 times table this week." Scott

"Grade 4s used the answers to play BINGO" Jumana

"Ms. Glowacki had us build a Lego tower and then Grade 3 had to find out how many nodules and how many bricks were on it." Jake

News Article Research

"We got all the facts we needed from the articles, but we needed to find out more information on the computers. We found about the problem in the article." Owen

"We took computers and we went to our articles and looked up what the problem was and why it happened and if involved money." Aria

Tuscany Together Preparation

"In gym we got the choice to either do a dance routine or a Fresh Start Fitness exercise routine type thing." Colton

"We had to choose one and then we got into groups of 3 and had to make up some dance moves or some fitness moves. We are gong to present this on March 19 at the Tuscany Together Meet." Dorela

Cursive Writing

"We started practicing cursive and first we did "t" and then "i" and put them together and made "it"." Rebecca

"We learned to cursive letters "i" and "t" and made the word "it" out of them." Quinn

Character Work

"We did some activities about our characters and what they would feel like." Son

"We were watching some Pixar videos and one of the videos was about obstacles and we had to think of an obstacle we had and then we had to make an obstacle for our two characters." Charlie

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