January 4-11
"We did writing. Writing about our winter vacation." Evelyn
"In writing, this week we started a book called "The One and Only Ivan" and we read it for the whole week. After we read it each day we did a retell of the story." Mila
"We also did some word work. There was a couple of letters and they were scrambled and we had to try to make some words from the letters." Son
"We were working with shapes and patterns and we had to use shapes to make a pattern. and we had to write about it." Makena
"We did patterns with some blocks and we could change colour and make it big or small." Evelyn
"In math, we needed to find the meaning of 5 words which were congruent, symmetrical, face, vertex and side." Son
"We had to make triangle with one dot in the middle and we had to find different ways to make the triangles so there would still be one dot in it." Isla
"We tried to find as many triangles as we can and fit them into one tiny square." Makena
Community Artifacts
"We got new artifacts and we had to look at. We had to write down what you notice - I see, I think, I wonder." Charlie
"We had groups and we had to work with our groups online while we were doing it together." Makena
Ecosystem Research
"We wrote about animals that we had chosen from school." Isla
"We were also in a group but we weren't working with them online. Each time we got two questions to look up an answer." Makena
"We went onto the computer or our books and then we tried to find what were their predators and stuff like that." Evelyn
"Today in music, we had cups willed with a certain amount of water. The lower the water the higher the note. The higher the water the lower the note. We had to play songs with them. And you could dye them with food colouring and it looked really pretty. And a few days ago we had to write ti-ti's and ta's and rests on a piece of paper and make them in 3D shapes and take a picture." Makena
"For gym there was GoNoodle dances and there was also cardio that we could do. For cardio, we picked four workouts and we had to do them for a certain time." Mila
"I did push ups and sit ups." Evelyn
"For gym I bouldered in my basement." Rebecca
Quiet Reading
"For quiet reading we need to read a book of any choice. We could choose any book and then we read for 15-20min and then we wrote it down on a Doc." Son
"We had to choose a book we could read for the whole week, not just one day." Makena