January 25 - 29

 Carnaval Next Week

Next week we start our Carnaval Celebration at school. We have some great events planned and we need your help with a few things. 
  • Starting February 1 until February 10, please ensure that your child is dressed to be outside  for longer periods of time. Many of our activities will be outside
  • If you are able, we would love for you to begin preparing some frozen ice blocks using 2L cardboard milk jugs (we will be doing an ice palace design challenge)
    • more details will follow through school messenger
    • please do not send in until you receive the school messenger


"The grade 4s had to trace an Alberta map and added all the lines and dots with plasticine." Dorela

"The grade 3s worked with Mrs. Glowackie and we got a tiny map. We had to split our journal page into three sections and we glued our map into our visual journal." Son

"The grade 3s had to get a text book and study all the regions in Peru, Ukraine, India and Tunisia." Charlie


"We built paper robots out of 3D paper that we made out of nets. We had to make the nets on our own." Rebecca

"For the very start when we were working on the nets we got an angry bird net and we had to glue it to make it a shape. Then we got a new one and had to make our own design and build it." Owen

"When we designed our robots, we could have a partner or not and we designed the robot. We had to have at least three 3D shapes on our robot." Isla

Ecosystem Projects

"We had a partner for our animal for the ecosystem and had to learn the predator, prey, habitat and adaptations. We had to either make a video or a book with the information we gathered." Quinn

"We made our own books with a partner and we put them into paragraphs and we had to add pictures." Sam

"For the computer, we had to make a video." Jake

Word Work

"This week we started to do some words on the Smart Board and we had to make word pyramids with one letter starting all the way to make the whole word. We had to make a sentence with each of those words in the sentence. Mila

"We learned how to make some word pyramids." Son

"Some people had to go on a computer and the teacher assigned them a Jamboard to do." Dorela


"We did our website about our country. You write what you know about it and then you write reflections." Aria

"On the websites we would have at least three or two and we would have to write the reflect and the map kind of." Evelyn

"For the grade 4s, we got assigned a city in Alberta and we had to do the same thing the grade 3s did but sort of different." Colton

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