October 12 - 16


This week we continued out work with addition in math - focusing on the stacked or traditional strategy. Next week we will move onto subtraction. 

Grade 3s completed both sections of the math SLA as well. 

Grade 4s worked on solving a low floor high ceiling problem by breaking the problem down, discussing what they think, and looking for patterns.


Grade 3s began an experiment with salt today, following the scientific method. They worked to create reasonable a hypothesis with a reason. 

Grade 4s read about the kaleidoscope and then created their own using everyday materials. They were focusing on how light interacts with reflective surfaces and translucent objects.

Big Concepts

We have been looking at the idea of "Geology" and are just about to wrap up our class concept map. We have started to look at "The Land" and "The People". We have made some connections between the land and geology, and this week looked at what is culture and what is a citizen. See our class brainstorm on these last two in Google Classroom. We began looking at pictures and exploring our thoughts using annotation (I see, I think, I wonder) to document our thoughts.


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