February 16-19

 Upcoming Events

  • February 24th - Pink Shirt Day
  • February 24th - Virtual Celebration of Learning, on Google Classroom


"When we're doing multiplication we learned how to make arrays as strategies. An array is like a picture for example, 3 X 5 is 3 rows of 5." Son

"We did multiplication centres in the library and we worked in partners to do everything that it said to do. There was one that said to do the times tables for a specific number. You could also choose your own numbers" Ege

Capture the Wind Presentation (Presented by Relay)

"There was a French Immersion kid's mom and she gave us facts about wind turbines and how they spin. She made a homemade one and gave us quizzes to do when we were doing the presentation." Dorela

"We learned about how many turbines and the length of them, and how they produce more electricity when they spin in the wind." Colton

Floor Hockey

"We have to hit a puck to the other goal and there's a yellow team and a red team. Sometimes we switch teams." Jumana

"We got plastic sticks and we had to play with different teams. There were four teams and the nets were cones. There were about five or six people on each team." Sam

Locked Room

"We're building a Locked Room and each group that studied and animal is making a different part of it. Mason

"We've been working on our Locked Room. Ms. Glowacki and Mrs. Gainor helped us finish it. If we finished it the other kids will have to try to figure it out next week." Owen

Community Project

"We each got a different city and a different partner. We are working on the News, and a good news story includes the who, what, where, when, why and how. We had to research about our city on the news and we had to write in different categories, which one they went into." Makena

"We got new partners for the new city. We had to look at our websites with news about our city. We read them and write down what they were about in our writing journals." William

Character Work

"We made our own characters and then we wrote about them. We had to write what they would react if they were stuck in an elevator." Tally

"We had to make two characters and a world. After we finished that we had to imagine what one of our characters would react when they're stuck in an elevator." Charlie 

Ice Palace

"We would get to freeze ice blocks and home and bring them to school. We had to think about shape we could build it with out group and then we would build it." Isla

"We stacked blocks that we made out of ice from milk jugs. We could either put food colouring in it and then we made a palace out of it." Aria

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