January 18 - 22

A quick note to parents and families:

Unfortunately, due to Covid restrictions this year, we will not be able to exchange Valentines cards. The staff is working on an alternative plan for students to participate in around that date that can be done at school. Thank you for your understanding.


"Mrs. Cropper gave us some paper with two shapes that we needed to cut out and decorate." Son
"We got shape nets and got to fold them into their 3D shapes." Rebecca
"When we first started doing this we had to do an angry bird version first." William

Fitness Monopoly

"In fitness Monopoly we each had teams and one person from each team had to get a white board and marker. Every time you went past go you could put a tally mark on your white board and whoever had the most tally marks won." Makena

"We would go to Ms. Cropper and she had a app on her phone to roll a dice and then we would go to where we started and count how many we'd go up and then do what the card said." Quinn

"Every station had a card. They were different moves, for example there was push ups and you could do it on the wall or the ground. Then you go to Ms. Cropper to roll the dice again until you get to Go again." Evelyn


"We got pentominoes and we had to figure out how to make a rectangle out of different kinds of pentominoes. You could make a twelve piece one that might take a couple weeks or days." Owen

"We got plastic shapes in different colours and we had to figure out how to make different types of rectangles. There couldn't be different parts sticking out." Sam

"There were two who got very close to twelve pieces." Son

Mr. Jorgensen's Farewell

"We made cards for Mr. Jorgensen and we made an art piece for him to stick on the front of our card. We wrote a farewell message inside." Dorela

"We used water colours to make pictures on the cards. Then we wrote inside of them." Jake

"On Friday we got Google Meet with all the classes and we got to see Mr. Jorgensen on his last day. We got to share the art pieces that we did and each class had something else to share like a song or a poem." Mila

Ecosystem Concept Map

"We put together animals, ecosystems, habitat, plants, adaptations and humans and wrote what they meant." Aria

"The teacher gave us a partner to try and find out what adaptation means and the other ones we did as a class." Dorela

Community Websites

"We've been starting to learn about the 4 countries: Ukraine, Peru, India and Tunisia. And we're finding what the government names and prime ministers names are and write a paragraph of them. We also wrote down the natural disasters that happened there." Charlie

"For the grade 4s we got a city somewhere in Alberta and then we had to do research to find who the mayor was and if it had any National or Provincial Parks around it. And what it's history was and who founded it in what year." Colton

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